The present invention is related to a detecting head device for capacitively measuring an acupuncture point frequency of a human body, comprising: a contacting head, including two terminals, for contacting one acupuncture point of the human body, thereby obtaining a capacitor value CH of the acupuncture point, in which one of the terminals is grounded; an internal oscillator, including an inductor L1 and a capacitor C2, for producing a known internal oscillation frequency F1; a counter module, connected to the internal oscillator, for counting the internal oscillation frequency; an external interrupt service routine module (ISR), connected to the counter module, wherein as the contacting head contacts the acupuncture point of the human body, the external ISR module, upon receiving an acupuncture point frequency signal from the contacting human body, incorporates with the internal oscillation frequency for calculating a frequency F2 of the contacting human body.本發明係關於一種電容式量測人體穴位頻率之感測頭裝置,包含:一接觸頭,具有二端點,用以接觸一人體之穴位,以取得該穴位之一電容量值CH,其中該端點之一為接地;一內部振盪器,具有一電感器L1及一電容器C2,用以產生一已知之內部振盪頻率F1;一計數器模組,連接至該內部振盪器,用以計算該內部振盪頻率;一外部中斷模組(ISR),連接至該計數器模組,當該感測頭接觸該人體穴位時,該外部中斷模組於接收一碰觸人體之穴位頻率訊號時,配合該內部振盪頻率,用以計算出一該碰觸人體穴位之頻率F2。