A tilling apparatus and a method of tilling soils which includes the use of a rotational shaft having a number of cutter assemblies located at spaced apart locations on the shaft in which each cutter assembly has a multitude of blades which rotate as the rotary shaft rotates to form a plurality of spaced apart trenches having the same spacing as the spacing of the cutters, and a width caused by the width of the blades. As the blades dig the trench, the soil contacted by the blades is granulated and is tossed about by the spinning blades so that some soil falls back into the trench and some falls along the periphery of the trench to form rows of aerated granules which promote enhanced growth of plants or seeds in the trench and along the edge of the trench to improve the yield of pasture having the trenches. Various attachments can be provided on the tilling apparatus, either in front of or towards the rear of the spinning blades for different purposes, such as rippers, seeders, levellers, or similar. The advantage of the tilling apparatus is that the soil is formed into granules which are used to form an aerated array of soil granules having enhanced growing properties for plants.Linvention porte sur un appareil de labourage et sur un procédé pour labourer des sols, lesquels comprennent lutilisation dun arbre rotatif ayant un certain nombre densembles dispositif de coupe disposés en des emplacements espacés les uns des autres sur larbre, chaque ensemble dispositif de coupe ayant une multitude de lames qui tournent quand larbre rotatif tourne de façon à former une pluralité de sillons espacés les uns des autres ayant le même espacement que lespacement des dispositifs de coupe, et une largeur provoquée par la largeur des lames. Quand les lames creusent le sillon, le sol venant en contact avec les lames est granulé et éparpillé par les lames en rotation rapide, de telle sorte quune partie du sol retombe dans le sillon et quune partie tombe le long de la périphérie du s