Opiates, amphetamines, barbiturates and other drugs such as benzodiazepines are extensively abused or misused and are frequently the cause of death by overdosing. These drugs are also prone to oxidation and the final degradation products depend on the reactants and the reaction conditions. This invention describes the use of inactivating agents such as permanganates, peroxides, persulfates, bismuthates, periodates or other oxidants in a dosage form as an approach to minimize abuse and overdose. The product is designed such that the inactivating agent is released if there is an attempt to extract the drug from the formulation or in cases of overdose. Once released, the inactivating agent quickly degrades the drug and converts it into inactive compounds. Since the reactants (drug and inactivating agent) are incompatible in situations of normal drug usage, they are kept separated within the vehicle of the invention, but released for interaction in case of misuse. A catalyst may be included in the formulation to facilitate the reaction.