Nearly 40% population of the developed countries in the worldhave the problem of excess weight. Up till now, no correlationwas established between the deficiencies of certain specificvitamins , minerals and trace-elements with the problem of excessweight. None of the weight reduction strategies proposed tilltoday took into consideration the reduced capacity of the cellsto eliminate the intracellular lipid deposits which is the realcause of excess weight.After many years of research, we discovered that a synergeticcomposition of certain specific vitamins, minerals and trace-elementsstimulate the intracellular lipid elimination capacityof cells thereby helping to reduce body weight in a very shortperiod of time without any side-effects and without the reboundeffect often observed at the end of the dieting period. Themethods of preparation of such solid or liquid compositions fororal or topical application are known.These synergetic compositions can be used either alone or inassociation with products commonly used to reduce weight, withspecific diets, with apparatuses for physical exercise ormuscular electrostimulation which are commonly employed toincrease energy loss.