1. Connection assembly with the stoma for attachment of the adhesive wafer for an ostomy device, with the ostomy device has an entrance aperture, and the adhesive plate includes a body-facing side for contacting the skin of the user, not a body-facing side opposite the side facing the body, and adaptable portion adaptable to fit around the stoma, wherein the compound includes: a connection with limited mobility between the adhesive wafer and the ostomy device which permits relative displacement between the (i), substantially the entire adhesive wafer and (ii) the entrance aperture of the ostomy device, with a compound with reduced mobility directs said relative displacement along a limited travel path or path of movement between (a) an operating position in which the adhesive wafer is superimposed around the entrance aperture of the ostomy device, and the adaptable portion of the adhesive wafer of the ostomy device is closed with no contact with the side of the body, and (b) an access position providing access to ADAP iruemomu portion not in contact with the body side ifiksiruyuschee compound for fixing the adhesive wafer and the ostomy device in working polozhenii.2. compound with Node stoma of claim 1, wherein the compound with reduced mobility permanently binds the adhesive wafer with ostomy prisposobleniem.3. compound with Node stoma of claim 1, wherein the compound with reduced mobility includes a first attachment portion for attachment to the bag, the second attachment portion for attachment to the adhesive plate and the movable sty1. Узел соединения при стоме для крепления адгезивной пластины к стомному приспособлению, при этом стомное приспособление имеет входную апертуру, а адгезивная пластина включает обращенную к телу сторону для контакта с кожей пользователя, не обращенную к телу сторону, противоположную стороне, обращенной к телу, и адаптируемый участок, приспосабливаемый для подгонки вокруг стомы, причем соединение включает в себя:соединение с ограниче