< Topic >The bedpan which the individual of the mineral which emits the far infrared line wire ceramics, or the far infrared line wire, or it is possible, does not impair the using selfishness to add the solid of the mineral or the influence of those blends, is offered.SolutionsThe individual of the mineral which emits the far infrared line wire ceramics, or the far infrared line wire 1 or more it is larger than fiber make sack condition or string bag condition or perforated sack condition or basket condition or the opening or the mesh or the hole where of the container of those compound dies you can close the taking in and out opening, or it possesses those of a state where it is inserted in that container where the taking in and out opening can close the solid or those blends of the mineral, inside.< Choice figure >Drawing 1【課題】遠赤外線セラミック、又は遠赤外線を放射する無機質の個体、又は無機質の固体、又はそれらの混合物の影響を加える事ができ、使い勝手を損なわない湯たんぽを提供する。【解決手段】出し入れ口が閉じられた繊維製袋状又は網袋状又は穴あき袋状又は籠状又はそれらの複合型の入れ物の隙間又は網目又は穴よりも大きい1個以上の遠赤外線セラミック、又は遠赤外線を放射する無機質の個体、又は無機質の固体、又はそれらの混合物を、出し入れ口が閉じられたその入れ物に入れてある状態の物を内部に有する。【選択図】図1