The invention relates to a phantom device for reproducing the fluid perfusionin a body, saiddevice comprising a phantom organ that may be introduced into a scanner, saidphantomorgan comprising a housing in which are defined a plurality of fluid channels,suitably ofdiffering cross-sectional areas; a feed tube arranged to supply liquid to afirst end of all ofsaid channels and means for collecting liquid from the other end of thechannels.Alternatively or additionally, the device may comprise an element comprising aphantomheart through which fluid can flow, wherein the phantom heart comprises afirst chamberrepresenting a right atrium which is arranged to receive fluid from a fluidsupply, a secondchamber representing a right ventricle which receives fluid leaving said firstchamber, a thirdchamber representing a left atrium which receives fluid leaving the secondchamber and afourth chamber representing left ventricle which receives fluid leaving thethird chamber;and wherein a phantom thoracic system is interposed between the second chamberand thethird chamber.Uses of the device in quality control, validation or calibration of monitoringdevices such asmagnetic resonance (MR) or computerised tomography (CT) scanners, in teachingor trainingof machine operatives or for research purposes including for research intoscanners, scanningtechniques or reagents such as contrast agents used in such processes, formfurther aspects ofthe invention.