A method of generating a concentrated platelet rich plasma or a concentrate rich plasma cells in bone marrow comprising: separating a whole blood sample or a sample of bone marrow in a red blood cell fraction, poor plasma platelet poor plasma or bone marrow cells, and platelet-rich plasma or rich plasma cells in the bone marrow determining a platelet concentration or a concentration of cells from bone marrow before, during or after separation through at least a first measurement determining a first volume of fluid in which the first determination was performed to study or define a dose- response in a patient and determining the concentration if the concentration of platelets or concentration of cells of the bone marrow has a cell concentration target in a range of target concentrations, being the range of target concentrations between 0.8-2.0 x 106 target / ul cells using the concentration and the first volume to determine a second volume of plasma, platelet-poor or depleted plasma cells in the bone marrow that, when mixed with the platelet-rich plasma or plasma rich in cells of bone marrow, provide concentration of platelets or cells from bone marrow to be within a range of target concentrations and create a concentrate of platelet-rich plasma or concentrated rich plasma cells in the bone marrow, admixing the second volume of platelet-poor plasma or poor plasma cells in the bone marrow in platelet rich plasma or rich plasma bone marrow cells.Un método de generación de un concentrado de plasma rico en plaquetas o un concentrado de plasma rico en células de la médula ósea que comprende: separar una muestra de sangre entera o una muestra de médula ósea en una fracción de glóbulos rojos, un plasma pobre en plaquetas o un plasma pobre en células de la médula ósea, y un plasma rico en plaquetas o un plasma rico en células de la médula ósea determinar una concentración de plaquetas o una concentración de células de la médula ósea antes, durante o después de la separación