This Chong Zuo Department You Off Yu mono- Seed Zhu Hang Qi structures, Qi Zhu Yao Department Yu Trucks Body Trucks framves Shang Duan Let have handle Pivot joint chairs, The handle Pivot joint chair Inner Pivot Let have handle, and it can be with the handle Pivot Jie Zuo With handle Pivot Let Office As Shaft hearts, the elevations angle the Shi Yong Pour degree of the whole The handles of Yi Move Tone, the Trucks Wheels of what Trucks frame Di Duan Let You With handle Pivot Jie Zuo Even Move, The Trucks Wheels And are made Shou the Move power source Tapes Move Jin rows Move that Let Shang Trucks Body is set, another what Trucks frame Hou Duan Let have Two phase Right Should Even Rod Pivot joint chairs, the And Neng Yi Even Rod Pivot Jie Zuo With Even Rod Pivot Let Office As Shaft hearts, Yi Move Tone Zheng The Even Rod Zhan Open angles, Er Even Rod The Neng With Load tool bottom Even Rod fixing sleeves Tao Let Knot closeThereby Yi Bu Only can the various different Load tool of Let The Trucks Body Neng Fitness whats, enable its have effects that more Sample using, and what Shou Zhi Time also can Fang just Chai Xie Jin rows fold small Qi the whole Body Plot, Minus of Shrink and lack its Accounting According Kong Inter, and can Qi the wholes of implement and use upper more increasing Real with convenience person.本創作係有關於一種助行器結構,其主要係於車體之車架上端設有把手樞接座,該把手樞接座內樞設有把手,且能以把手樞接座與把手樞設處為軸心,移動調整該把手之使用傾仰角度,於車架底端設有與把手樞接座連動之車輪,該車輪並受車體上設置之動力源帶動進行動作,另於車架後端設有兩相對應之連桿樞接座,並能以連桿樞接座與連桿樞設處為軸心,移動調整該連桿之展開角度,而連桿則能與載具底部之連桿固定套套設結合;藉此,以不僅能讓該車體能適用於各式不同之載具,令其更具有多樣性使用功效,且於收置時亦能方便拆卸進行收合,縮小其整體之體積、減少其所佔據之空間,而能在其整體施行使用上更增實用便利性者。