Contains 0.2 to 3.5% by volume of skin essential oil, 10 to 300 mg / kg / acid of limonin, 10 to 50 mg / kg / acid of rutin, and has an acidity of 2.0% or less. Liquid composition suitable for. Preferably, the pericarp essential oil, limonin, and rutin are derived from citrus fruits, and preferably the liquid composition is obtained using the pericarp of the citrus fruits from which the supersurface layer has been removed to the extent that the oil vesicles are not broken.果皮精油を0.2~3.5容量%含み、リモニンを10~300mg/kg/Acid含み、ルチンを10~50mg/kg/Acid含み、酸度が2.0%以下である、飲料に配合するのに適した液状組成物。好ましくは果皮精油、リモニン、及びルチンは、柑橘果実由来のものであり、好ましくは液状組成物は、油胞を壊さない程度に超表層部を除去した柑橘果実の果皮を用いて得られる。