This is an innovative concept, which means that patients begin to automate and ampere monitoring. Akut, almost no one sits in the living room, is a difficult concept to understand, because it is a difficult concept to understand. Pera de Amp; NBSP; Atenci Amp; Oacute; N emergency, n o intervention amp; OACUTE; N personal M AMP; EACUTE; DICO o Param Amp; EACUTE; DICO; DICO; Therefore, nursing and ampere services; Oacute; N can give priority to the most serious patients, not just nursing and ampere; LDQOE; Triaje Amp; RDQOE;When AMP, EACUTE, TES, MES TAMBI AMP, EACUTE, N, SEG AMP, UCUTE, N LA Evoluci AMP, OACUTE, each patient in the waiting period of N. At the same time, current inventions and amperes; Oacute; N help reduce patient anxiety during waiting, amp; NBS; provide monitored safety. The device operates through a set of sensors, EST AMP; AACUTE; permanently fixed on real estate or furniture, such as seats. These sensors capture SE AMP; NTilde; vibration and ampere; OACUTE; N, acceleration and ampere; OACUTE; N, temperature, pressure and ampere; OACUTE; N, temperature.It is also allowed to estimate the patient's life signs through the treatment of the patient's life signs; / P GT;<;p>;El dispositivo tiene como funció;n aumentar la eficiencia y la calidad de la atenció;n de urgencia mé;dica mediante un concepto novedoso que implica que el paciente comienza a ser monitoreado de manera automá;tica apenas toma asiento en la sala de espera de ;atenció;n de urgencia, sin intervenció;n de personal mé;dico o paramé;dico. De esta manera el servicio de atenció;n puede priorizar a los pacientes de mayor gravedad efectuando no solamente el &ldquo;triaje&rdquo; a la llegada de é;stos sino tambié;n definiendo prioridades segú;n la evolució;n de cada paciente durante todo el tiempo de espera. Al mismo tiempo, la presente invenció;n contribuye a reducir la ansiedad de