FIELD: food industry.SUBSTANCE: inventions group relates to dairy industry. For manufacture of 25% fat cream the method is performed in the following way. While stirring, one adds dry defatted milk residue and one part of the stabiliser into the mixture of water filtrate and defatted milk for joining dehydrated milk fats and dry milk substances and performs dissolution. Another part of the stabiliser is stirred with lactose and sodium caseinate and placed into the mixture of water filtrate and defatted milk. A colouring agent and a flavouring agent are added. One performs sorbitol addition into the water phase and heating. One proceeds with the fat phase stirring with the water phase by way of circulation through the pump, treatment at an ultrahigh temperature, aseptic homogenisation, cooling, aseptic dispensing, cooling and maintenance of the product. Preliminarily defatted milk is supplied by means of a pump into the heat exchanger where milk is heated to 45-48°C and delivered into the bactofuge. By means of the pump milk is supplied into the microfiltration unit where 6.9-8.9" ceramic filters are applied, their throughput capacity equal to 1.1-1.6 mcm at a temperature of 48-53°C. The filtrate is delivered into the pasteuriser where it is maintained at a temperature of 56.5-58.5°C until an alkaline phosphatase test yields a negative result. Then the produced mixture is cooled to a temperature equal to 4-6°C in the heat exchanger and is stored in intermediate vessels.EFFECT: inventions group ensures preservation of the product natural composition and taste properties.4 cl, 2 dwg, 2 tblГруппа изобретений относится к молочной промышленности. Для получения сливок 25% жирности способ осуществляют следующим образом. При помешивании в смесь водного фильтрата и обезжиренного молока добавляют сухой обезжиренный молочный остаток и одну часть стабилизатора для соединения обезвоженных молочных жиров и сухих молочных веществ и растворяют. Другую часть стабилизатора перемешиваю