A processing apparatus for processing a sheet member used inmanufacturing of an absorbent article includes: a rotatingroller that rotates with both ends thereof in an axial directionbeing supported a sheet-placing portion having a sheet-placingsurface on which the sheet member is placed and a processingportion and a protuberance that are included on a peripheralsurface of the rotating roller. The sheet member is processedby being pinched between the sheet-placing surface and theprocessing portion. The processing portion is located at a sidewhere one end of the rotating roller is positioned with respectto a center of the rotating roller in the axial direction of therotating roller. The protuberance is located at an other sidewhere an other end of the rotating roller is positioned withrespect to the center in the axial direction. The protuberanceabuts the sheet-placing surface when the sheet member is pinchedbetween the processing portion and the sheet-placing surfacewhile the rotating roller is rotating.