The present invention relates to a milk cooling apparatus which cools raw milk extracted from cattle at pasture to maintain the freshness of the milk. More specifically, the milk cooling apparatus includes a plurality of milk coolers to individually and alternatively operate or simultaneously operate, thereby being able to maintain a cooling condition, which maintains the freshness of milk without spreading bacteria in the coolers, whenever the milk collecting process is performed regardless of time. To this end, the milk cooling apparatus comprises: the plurality of milk coolers for storing and cooling milk extracted regardless of time; cooling chambers respectively installed in each milk cooler to cool the milk stored in the coolers; cooling units which are installed to be individually in contact with each other through the cooling chambers and circulating pipes so that a refrigerant, circulating through the circulating pipes, can go through one of the cooling chambers or all the cooling chambers while maintaining the cooling chambers where the milk is stored at low temperatures; and refrigerant flow switching valves which are installed on refrigerant circulating pipes of the cooling units, and switch the flow direction of the refrigerant to allow the refrigerant circulated from the cooling units to circulate into one of the coolers by opening and closing the refrigerant circulating pipes while allowing the refrigerant to be circulated into the cooling chamber of the other adjacent cooler, which is in an empty state during the cooling process of the extracted milk.본 발명은 목우(牡牛)로부터 착유(窄乳)된 원유(原乳)를 신선도 유지를 위해 냉각하는 우유 냉각 장치에 관한 것으로, 특히 복수개의 우유냉각기들을 구비하여, 이 냉각기들의 각각을 교번적(交番的)으로 혹은 냉각기 두개를 동시에 같이 냉각시킬 수 있게 하여, 집유 작업이 아침 혹은 저녁 어느 때에 실시되더라도 냉각기에서의 세균증식이 없이 항시 우유의 신선도를 유지하는 냉각 분위기를 유지할 수 있게 한 것이다.