Zajtsev Nikolaj Mikhajlovich (RU),Зайцев Николай Михайлович (RU),Yarullina Tatyana Sergeevna (RU),Яруллина Татьяна Сергеевна (RU),Avdonchenko Tatyana Stepanovna (RU),Авдонченко Татьяна Степановна (RU)
FIELD: medicine.SUBSTANCE: invention refers to medicine, namely to rehabilitation of patients after hip replacement by performing a complex of physical exercises. Method for rehabilitation of patients after hip replacement consists in a stage-course program of physical rehabilitation, which includes stages of training of using auxiliary means for walking, performing therapeutic exercises, detecting disturbances in the process of developing the correct stereotype, correction of disorders. Patient is examined to detect violations of correct biomechanics of movements during walking. Method of plantography is used to define: rotation angle to foot of operated leg; directed towards the operated leg and an angle of rotation outside of its foot. As the anatomical landmarks change position, skewed skew is detected. Acquired compensatory kyphotic deformation of the thoracic spine is assessed by plotting and measuring Cobb angle of kyphosis by X-ray image. Tilting the pelvis forward is detected by measuring the lumbar concavity of the spine. Unevenness of the steps is detected by measuring the length of each leg. If observing disorders, the patients perform corrective exercises in addition to the therapeutic exercise program.EFFECT: proposed method makes it possible to form - in patients suffering hip arthroplasty in patients with correct motor functions of walking, by restoring muscle tonus and functionality of operated - lower extremity, to improve basic quantitative indices of walking, to develop stable skill of correct walking, to reduce quantity of complications due to prevention of supination of head of endoprosthesis, more qualitative recovery of hip joint functions, walking and higher physical fitness of patients, higher functional indices and support ability of the operated extremity to a considerable extent restore skills of proper walking.1 cl, 6 exИзобретение относится к медицине, а именно к реабилитации пациентов после эндопротезирования тазобедренного сустава пу