To provide a fermented milk for food/beverage raw material, solving a problem that: by heat sterilization, the natural plain yogurt-tone flavor is impaired; and, by adding perfume, there is a method to correct plain yogurt-tone flavor, but by adding perfume, the natural flavor balance of plain yogurt-tone is disrupted, resulting in artificial aroma and taste, and a method for correction is wanted.SOLUTION: Provided is a fermented milk for food/beverage raw material containing a heat-sterilized fermented milk comprising a perfume containing acids having 2 to 6 carbon atoms and ketones having 3 to 8 carbon atoms, and a fermented milk having a lactic acid acidity of 1.2% or more.SELECTED DRAWING: Figure 1【課題】 加熱殺菌によって自然なプレーンヨーグルト調風味が損なわれる。香料を添加することでプレーンヨーグルト調風味を補正する方法があるが、香料添加によってプレーンヨーグルト調の自然な香味バランスが崩れ、人工的な香味となり、補正する方法が望まれる。【解決手段】 炭素数が2個~6個の酸類、及び炭素数が3個~8個のケトン類を含む香料、並びに乳酸酸度が1.2%以上の発酵乳を含んでなる加熱殺菌発酵乳を含有する飲食品原料用発酵乳。【選択図】 図1