The utility model relates to a trailing type taro planter seeder, which is assembled on the rear of the tractor and supplies power to the seeder by the power of the tractor. The seeder is driven by a continuous loop of chain to drive the taro planter. After the seedlings are clamped to a predetermined position in the taro field, a pressing rack under the chain belt can press the taro seedlings down into the soil and fix them in place; this allows continuous automatic planting. The planting operation is to save manpower in order to achieve quick completion of planting work.一種拖曳式之芋頭栽苗播種機,係將播種機組裝在牽引機後方、並以牽引機本身的動力供給播種機來產生作動;其中在播種機係以呈連續循環的鍊帶來帶動芋頭栽苗受夾持至芋田的預定位置後,再由一位在鍊帶下方的按押架得將芋頭栽苗往下壓種至土壤裡、並予扶正定位住;如此即可以連續性的自動植栽操作,以為達到可快速完成栽種工作下而具節省人力目的。