1/1 "agricultural product sorting apparatus" agricultural or vegetable sorting apparatus, having a fixed structure having two parallel horizontal side members, a plurality of cutting modules fitted with a common axis of rotation (32a, 32b, 32c. ,,,) having a plurality of rotary blades (11, 12, 13 ...) in a fixed position along their length, said axes (32a, 32b, 32c ...) being parallel to each other and mounted on a conveying means suitable for guiding products placed thereon towards said rotary blades (11, 12, 13 ...), and having an elongate shape in the direction of movement of said conveying means and almost flat and vertically oriented. , whose elongate upper edge is oriented downwardly towards said means of transport with an inclination such that the height of said edges increases in the feed direction of the means of transport, so that ag product pellets placed on said means of transport are directed towards said ramps (11-1, 12-1, 13-1, ...), whose respective upper edge determines the intersection point of the respective blade (11, 12, 13 ...) with the stalks of each cluster driven under the blade, wherein: said conveyance means includes a table formed by a plurality of parallel slots substantially orthogonal to said rotary axes (32a, 32b, 32c ... ) and reciprocally separated by respective raised portions, said table moves in a direction parallel to said slots; said ramps are arranged in positions corresponding to said respective slots.1/1 resumo “aparelho para separar produtos agrícolas” aparelho para a separação de produtos agrícolas ou vegetais, com uma estrutura fixa tendo dois membros laterais horizontais paralelos, uma pluralidade de módulos de corte equipados com um eixo de rotação comum (32a, 32b, 32c.,,,) tendo uma pluralidade de lâminas rotativas (11, 12, 13...) em posição fixa ao longo de seu comprimento, os mencionados eixos (32a, 32b, 32c...) sendo paralelos entre si e montados sobre um meio de transporte adequado para conduzir produtos colocados