The inventive method for producing a sorbent consists in adding a strong acid solution to a methylsiliconate sodium (or potassium) solution for obtaining a product, which after being stabilised, is ground and activated by adding a strong acid to the solution, is washed out by water until a neutral reaction is attained in such a way that a product, the pore space of which is equal to or greater that 0.8 cm 3 /g is obtained, wherein said product exhibits adsorption properties with respect to mean- and high-molecular agents and can contain chemical and/or biological additives. The thus obtained product has a general formula: {(CH 3 SiO 1,5 )nH 2 O}[k 1 ...K m ], wherein ki is a mass ratio (mass%) for chemical additives (m‰¥2) or a qualitative characteristic for the content of biological additives; xerogel is produced at n=0; gel form is produced at n=30-46; paste form is produced at n=54-62; suspension form is produced at n=63-495.