1. A method of manufacturing an adhesive patch comprising a substrate, a pressure-sensitive adhesive layer provided on one surface of the substrate, a removable sheet removably attached to a pressure-sensitive adhesive layer, and also a weakened portion formed on the removable sheet, the weakened part is intended to facilitate the separation of the removable sheet into two parts, the sheet forming the gripping part being fixed to the adhesive pad on the removable sheet, so that the sheet forming the gripping part is not covers the weakened part, while portions of the sheet forming the gripping part, which are different from at least one fixed portion, act as gripping parts, and on the sheet forming the gripping part, the weakened part is formed to facilitate separation of the removable sheet into two parts at a location corresponding to the softened part of the removable sheet, the method includes the steps of: forming a pressure-sensitive adhesive layer located on the substrate (first tap); fasten the sheet forming the gripping part on the removable sheet (second stage); form a weakened part in the removable sheet and the sheet forming the gripping part (third stage); as well as removably gluing a removable sheet on which the sheet forming the gripping part is fixed, which was achieved in the third stage, to the pressure-sensitive adhesive layer located on the substrate obtained in the first stage (fourth stage) .2. The method according to claim 1, in which two fixed sections between the removable sheet and the sheet forming1. Способ изготовления клейкой накладки, включающей в себя подложку, чувствительный к давлению слой клейкого вещества, обеспеченный на одной поверхности подложки, съемный лист, съемно закрепленный на чувствительном к давлению слое клейкого вещества, а также разупрочненную часть, образованную на съемном листе, при этом разупрочненная часть предназначена для облегчения разделения съемного листа на две части, причем в клейкой накладке на съемном ли