There are two types of vitamins classified as: (1) fat soluble (ex. A, D, E, K) & (2) water soluble, (ex. B, C), responsible for the AMPHIBOLIC events of citric acid cycle (Catabolic & Anabolic reactions). This cycle is an off-spring of CORI’s cycle of muscular exercise. Vitamin D is not available in vegetables. Hence strict vegetarians have to depend on milk of animal origin or milk products like curd, to overcome the deficiency of Vitamin D (naturally synthesized by the skin from sunlight). Milk can act as a whole food not only for infants, but also for elderly and old people irrespective of their gender. The bio process of this article can extend the life span, as the extrinsic factor (B-12 of spinach) is coupled to the intestinal intrinsic factor (1) to cure sickle cell anaemia, (2) to increase glycosylated haemoglobin level of blood, thereby reducing blood glucose. Having thus established the physiological features of blood glucose control system, let us now look at the engineering aspects of the system dynamics. According to Newton for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction, which keep the physical/physiological object/subject in steady state or equilibrium. Action and reaction respectively act along the forward and feedback paths. This control feature can be further explained by Mason’s gain formula of signal flow diagrams.