1. moisture meter for measuring the moisture content of the patient, soderzhaschiyblok moisture measuring impedance type held in the axillary cavity patient to measure the patients moisture content imeyuschiyelektrodnuyu part for supplying a current measuring part for measuring ielektrodnuyu voltage kotoryekontaktiruyut with the skin surface axillary vpadiny.2. Humidity meter according to claim 1, further comprising a temperature measuring unit, held in the patients armpit patsienta.3 cavity for measuring temperature. Humidity meter according to claim 2, further comprising a main body, the holder measuring unit disposed at one end of the main body and clamped in the armpit retention unit impedance type and temperature measuring unit measuring humidity, iderzhatel display unit disposed on the other end of the main body for hold display unit that displays on the screen the patients measured value and the measured value of the moisture content patsienta.4 temperature. Humidity meter according to claim 3, in kotoromneskolko temperature measurements taken in the holder blocks izmereniya.5 block. Humidity meter according to any of claims 1-4, of the electrode portions kotoromkazhdaya humidity measuring unit soderzhitelektrodny impedance type contact to create a direct contact with the skin in the axilla iuprugodeformiruemy element for clamping the electrode contact to the skin in axillary vpadine.6. Humidity meter according to any of claims 1 - 4, in parts of the electrode kotoromkazhdaya humidity measuring unit impedance type soderzhitelektrodny contac1. Измеритель влажности для измерения влагосодержания пациента, содержащийблок измерения влажности импедансного типа, удерживаемый в подмышечной впадине пациента для измерения влагосодержания пациента, имеющийэлектродную часть для подачи измерительного тока иэлектродную часть для измерения напряжения, которыеконтактируют с поверхностью кожи подмышечной впадины.2. Измеритель влажности по п.1, дополнительно содержащий блок из