The present invention discloses a personal activity status energy metabolism measurement method, a wearable electronic device, and a computer program product. The method comprises: a data input step for using an input module to input a maximum oxygen uptake amount a selection determination step, wherein a processor generates multiple status selections, and a user inputs one of the multiple status selections by means of the input module and a calculation step for calculating a result of energy metabolism according to the maximum oxygen uptake amount and the inputted status selection. The wearable electronic device includes a processor, an input module, a display module, and a memory module. When instructions are executed, the processor calculates a result of energy metabolism in cooperation with one of the multiple status selections inputted by the user using the input module. The computer program product is executed to accomplish the aforementioned method.一種個人活動狀態能量代謝測量方法、穿戴式電子裝置,及電腦程式產品,該方法包含:一資料輸入步驟,利用一輸入模組輸入一最大攝氧量;一選項決定步驟,一處理器產生多個狀態選項,且使用者藉由該輸入模組輸入該等狀態選項其中一者;及一計算步驟,根據該最大攝氧量及該被輸入的狀態選項計算出一能量代謝結果。該穿戴式電子裝置包含一處理器、一輸入模組、一顯示模組,及一記憶體模組,當指令被執行,配合使用者藉由該輸入模組輸入該等狀態選項其中一者,該處理器計算出一能量代謝結果。該電腦程式產品,執行後完成上述方法。101‧‧‧資料輸入步驟102‧‧‧選項決定步驟103‧‧‧計算步驟