The present invention relates to terpine-4-ol containing pharmaceutical compositions, dermatological delivery systerms and methods of treatment that are useful for treating rosacea, to include ocular rosacea, papulopustular rosacea, phymatous rosacea, acne rosacea, rosacea associated with Demodex infections, erythematelangiectatic rosacea, steroid induced rosacea, and combinations thereof, acne vulgaris and related conditions in a patient in need thereof.本發明有關可用於治療下列之含萜品-4-醇之藥學組成物、皮膚傳遞系統以及治療方法:玫瑰斑,包括眼睛型玫瑰斑、膿疱性丘疹樣玫瑰斑、增生肉芽腫玫瑰斑、玫瑰痤瘡、與毛囊蟲屬感染相關之玫瑰斑、紅斑血管擴張玫瑰斑、類固醇引起的玫瑰斑以及其等之組合;普通痤瘡;以及需要其等之治療之病人中相關的病況。