(b) Compounds and M AMP; EACUTE were disseminated to control plant diseases and insect pests. In particular, new pesticides with pest toxicity such as proteins and amperes, IACUTE, Cole Amp, Oacute, PTROS and/or Lepid Amp, Oacute, PTROS were provided. TAMBI AMP; EACUTE; N provides Mol AMP; EACUTE; CUTAS DE AMP; AACUTE; Nucleico acid for coding new PROT AMP; IACUTE; NAS Insectii.Kill. TAMBI AMP; EACUTE; N are M AMP; EACUTE; all are preparations and amperes; OACUTE; N de PROT AMP; IACUTE; NAS insecticides and M AMP; EACUTE; all are proteins and amperes; IACUTE; NAS insecticides and amperes; AACUTE; nucleic acid coded as protein and ampere; IACUTE; invention of pesticides; OACUTE; N;For example, in plants such as Transg Amp, Eacute and Nicas which gave Protecci Amp, Oacute, N against Da Amp, NTilde, insects, / P GT, etc.<;p>;SE DIVULGAN COMPOSICIONES Y MÉ;TODOS PARA EL CONTROL DE PLAGAS DE PLANTAS. EN PARTICULAR, SE PROPORCIONAN NOVEDOSAS PROTEÍ;NAS INSECTICIDAS QUE TIENEN TOXICIDAD CONTRA PLAGAS DE INSECTOS COLEÓ;PTEROS Y/O LEPIDÓ;PTEROS. TAMBIÉ;N SE PROPORCIONAN MOLÉ;CULAS DE Á;CIDO NUCLEICO QUE CODIFICAN LAS NOVEDOSAS PROTEÍ;NAS INSECTICIDAS. TAMBIÉ;N SE DIVULGAN MÉ;TODOS DE PREPARACIÓ;N DE LAS PROTEÍ;NAS INSECTICIDAS Y MÉ;TODOS DE USO DE LAS PROTEÍ;NAS INSECTICIDAS Y Á;CIDOS NUCLEICOS QUE CODIFICAN LAS PROTEÍ;NAS INSECTICIDAS DE LA INVENCIÓ;N, POR EJEMPLO, EN PLANTAS TRANSGÉ;NICAS PARA CONFERIR PROTECCIÓ;N CONTRA EL DAÑ;O DE INSECTOS.<;/p>;