A multi-axis tea compressing machine comprises a machine body, a first, a second, and a third, totally three compressing units, a first, a second, and a third, totally three stopping units, which are all mounted on the machine body. The first compressing unit comprises a first driving member and a first compressing plate capable of moving along a first axial direction toward or away from the first stopping unit. The second compressing unit is capable of sliding along with the first compressing plate along the first axial direction and comprises a second driving member and a second compressing plate capable of moving along a second axial direction toward or away from the second stopping unit. The third compressing unit comprises at least one third driving member and a third compressing plate capable of moving along a third axial direction toward or away from the third stopping unit. The multi-axis motion and the cooperation in each axial direction may compress and knead tea leaves to achieve a better kneading effect.一種多軸式壓茶機,包含一機體以及設於該機體的第一第二、第三共三個壓制單元、第一、第二、第三共三個抵止單元。該第一壓制單元包括一第一驅動件及一可沿一第一軸向朝該第一抵止單元趨近或遠離的第一壓板,該第二壓制單元可與該第一壓板同動地沿該第一軸向產生滑動,並包括一第二驅動件及一可沿一第二軸向朝第二抵止單元趨近或遠離的第二壓板,該第三壓制單元包括至少一第三驅動件及一可沿一第三軸向朝該第三抵止單元趨近或遠離的第三壓板。利用多軸運動及各軸向互相配合可擠壓搓動茶葉,且達到較佳的揉捻效果。10‧‧‧機體11‧‧‧底座12‧‧‧前側座121‧‧‧出口13‧‧‧後側座15‧‧‧右側座16‧‧‧輸送帶17‧‧‧輸送帶20‧‧‧第一抵止單元72‧‧‧頂驅動件73‧‧‧線性滑軌80‧‧‧入料單元81‧‧‧入料斗82‧‧‧閥門83‧‧‧掣動件84‧‧‧連桿件90‧‧‧秤重單元91‧‧‧電子磅秤21‧‧‧第一抵板40‧‧‧第二抵止單元41‧‧‧第二抵板42‧‧‧前驅動件70‧‧‧頂座單元71‧‧‧座框100‧‧‧第三壓制單元101‧‧‧第三驅動件X‧‧‧第一軸向Y‧‧‧第二軸向Z‧‧‧第三軸向