A blood glucose system and method for downloading code card data from the cloud is disclosed. The system comprises a server, a mobile apparatus, and a blood glucose meter which is able to fulfill the code card function without any code card used. Within the system, the server has a plurality of code card data, and the mobile apparatus is able to connect to the server and the blood glucose meter. The mobile apparatus has a blood glucose application software which can display the test strip information corresponding to the code card data. After the user chooses one of the correct test strip item, the corresponding code card data downloaded to the mobile apparatus then to the blood glucose meter.本發明為一種雲端線上下載密碼卡之血糖儀系統及其方法,運用由一伺服器、一行動設備與一血糖儀所組成的系統,來實現無須密碼卡但據密碼卡功能的血糖監測系統。其中,伺服器儲存有複數個密碼卡資料。行動設備可連線至伺服器,並藉由血糖儀應用程式顯示對應於該些密碼卡資料的複數個有效試紙代碼,並經由選取該些有效試紙代碼其中之一後下載對應的密碼卡資料。血糖儀,可連線至該行動設備,接收並儲存經由行動設備所下載之密碼卡資料。600‧‧‧血糖儀與行動設備連線610‧‧‧行動設備與伺服器連線620‧‧‧伺服器傳送有效試紙代碼與對應的密碼卡資料至行動設備630‧‧‧行動設備顯示有效試紙代碼640‧‧‧觸碰點選有效試紙代碼650‧‧‧行動設備將被選取的有效試紙代碼所對應的密碼卡資料並傳送至血糖儀