A method for extracting polyphenol from guava leaves with ultrasound and microwave is provided. Tatter the guava leaves into chips, put them into organic solvent (e.g. alcohol) and add in the activated carbon granule in order to get the mixture. Stir the mixture by ultrasound and heat up the mixture by microwave to get the polyphenol extraction.一種以超音波配合微波快速萃取芭樂葉中多酚的方法,該方法先將芭樂葉絞碎,將絞碎的芭樂葉置入如乙醇的有機溶劑中,以得芭樂葉混合物,先以超音波對此芭樂葉混合物進行萃取,可以輔以加入活性炭顆粒,接續再以微波進行萃取,最後可得多酚萃取液,以吸光值可測得此具有理想的多酚萃取量。S02、S04、S06、S08‧‧‧步驟