Make use of the smooth and shaking characteristics of tough paper to produce sound. Make tough paper into different types to be suitable for various environments. As long as the mouse touches or steps on tough paper, the smooth characteristic of tough paper cannot be climbed by the mouse. Tough paper will generate sound. The timid characteristic of the mouse will immediately escape to drive the mouse away.利用堅韌紙類平滑與晃動產生聲音的特性,將堅韌紙類製成不同類型來適合各種環境使用,只要老鼠碰到或踩到堅韌紙類,堅韌紙類平滑的特性老鼠無法攀爬,堅韌紙類會產生聲音利用老鼠膽小的特質會立刻逃跑,達到驅鼠的目的。