Yi Seed Gao Pie structures mainly include that the portions Inner are formed with accommodating Kong Inter this Body of and can fill the aforementioned Ben Body accommodatings Kong Inter Inner Knot He Body of whatWherein, The accommodates Kong Inter Department As Single mono- and accommodates the accommodating Kong Inter that Kong Inter Huo Complex Number Ge dissipate this Body of Fabric Yu Inner, uses one Ge Huo Complex Number Ge Knot He Body of filling. Aforementioned Ben Body Department You Surface powder, cream, Icing Sugar Ji the states Sample , Knot He Body The As Shui Guo Mi Preserves or fruit Qian System such as the materials Hun such as Which He Er rectangular, arcs of System atTherefore this Chong works can be formed in crisp Class Ru Phoenix pears, Fresh Fruit Puff Pastry or As Shui Guo Surface packets, Western-style cake Pie.一種糕餅結構,主要包含有一內部形成有容置空間的本體以及可充填於前述本體容置空間內的結合體;其中,該容置空間係為單一容置空間或複數個散佈於本體內的容置空間,藉以充填一個或複數個結合體。前述本體係由麵粉、奶油、糖粉及鹽等材料混合而製成矩形、弧形等態樣,結合體則為水果蜜餞或水果乾製成;故本創作可形成類如鳳梨酥、水果酥或為水果麵包等中、西式糕餅。