Yi Seed are more, and Layer Zhi objects Zai Pei Installed are set, it mainly includes the first cultivating stand and the second cultivating stand, and Two cultivating stands are all in the hollow Body for the Like of falling vertebra, to be formed with accommodating Kong Inter, week Edge Fen Do of what Two cultivating stands has Number Zhi Zai District again, and Zhi Zai District With accommodatings Kong Inter Department Xiang Even are logical, most Hou, Will Two cultivating stand Xiang Hu Stacked close to form more than one Layer structures.一種多層植物栽培裝置,其主要包含有第一栽培架及第二栽培架,而兩栽培架皆呈倒椎狀之中空體,以形成有容置空間,再於兩栽培架之周緣分別具有數植栽區,且植栽區與容置空間係相連通,最後,將兩栽培架相互疊合形成一多層結構。