< Topic >The for nursing bottle or the nipple for the pacifier is offered.SolutionsAccording to 1st execution form, in order for nursing bottle or as for the nipple for the pacifier, for the base, the nipple, the milk wheel, and the nipple to get near to the milk wheel and/or to leave the expansion and contraction territory which it can expand and contract is had. According to 2nd execution form, for nursing bottle or the nipple for the pacifier provides spiral flow structure for the inside of the nipple, especially revolution or is twisted even with when the nipple collapses in the nipple and continual flow of the liquid becomes possible depending upon the spiral flow route which makes expansion possible.< Selective figure >Figure 1【課題】哺乳瓶用又はおしゃぶり用の乳首を提供する。【解決手段】第1の実施形態によれば、哺乳瓶用又はおしゃぶり用のニップルは、ベース部、乳首部、乳輪部、及び乳首部が乳輪部に近づいたり離れたりするよう伸縮できる伸縮領域を備える。第2の実施形態によれば、哺乳瓶用又はおしゃぶり用のニップルは、乳首の内面にらせん流動構造を備え、乳首がつぶれた場合でも、乳首において特に回転又はねじれ伸長を可能とするらせん流動経路により、液体の連続流動が可能となる。【選択図】図1