Endoscopic Blanket is a disposable product to be used during endoscopy exams to reduce dirt and environmental contamination caused by various secretions and liquids produced or drained during the digestive and urinary endoscopy exam. This is a 60 x 60 cm square blanket (fig.1) for use in lower digestive endoscopy (colonoscopy, rectosigmoidoscopy) and urinary endoscopy (cystoscopy, urethrocystoscopy, urinary flowmetry) and a 22 x 30 cm rectangular blanket (fig). 2) for use in upper digestive endoscopy. It is made up of three layers: a lower polyethylene layer (1), an absorbent middle layer (2) of cellulose / cotton and a non-woven polypropylene top layer (3) that is in contact with the patient's skin. The absorptive middle layer (cellulose, cotton) is 5.0 cm smaller (b1) on each side of the square blanket and 1.5 cm smaller (a1) on each side of the rectangular blanket and is intended to absorb liquids and secretions. in fig. 3 the use of the rectangular and square blanket can be verified, making the exam more hygienic, facilitating the cleaning of the environment between one exam and another. The product consists of the materials: cellulose pulp, absorbent polymer, polyethylene film, polypropylene nonwoven, thermoplastic adhesive, aromatic cologne.manta endoscópica trata-se de produto descartável para ser usado durante exames de endoscopia com a finalidade de reduzir a sujeira e contaminação do ambiente causado por diversas secreções e líquidos, produzidos ou drenados, durante o exame de endoscopia digestiva e urinária. trata-se de manta quadrada com tamanho 60 x 60 cm(fig.1) para uso em endoscopia digestiva baixa(colonoscopia, retossigmoidoscopia) e endoscopia urinária(cistoscopia, uretrocistoscopia, fluxometria urinária) e manta retangular com tamanho 22 x 30 cm(fig. 2) para uso em endoscopia digestiva alta. é composta de três camadas: uma camada inferior de polietileno(1), uma camada média absortiva(2) de celulose/algodão e uma camada superior de não tecido de pol