< Topic > Being hygienic, it offers the urinary drops absorption tool portable condemned is easy.Solutions Mount connecting to the edge of 11 and this mount, 11 it has with the cover material 12 which, opening and closing time motion is done on the aforementioned mount, it makes the multiple water absorption paper materials lay out 20 which display abbreviation rectangle in parallel (claim 1). Opening cover material 12, if it fetches one, picks the basic destal of water absorption paper material 20 with the fingertip and this makes the Tip the urethra opening touch lightly, the urinary drops which the blotch come out from the urethra opening with capillarity tube phenomenon are at once absorbed in the water absorption paper material. Because it is made abbreviation rectangle, from the Tip of the water absorption paper material dyeing it cannot reach the urinary drops which are anticipated, to the basic destal of the fingertip and it is possible to maintain hygiene. After the using, you throw away the water absorption paper material in the trash box, or when it is water soluble, through the washing toilet, it can abolish you can treat simply.< Choice figure > Drawing 1【課題】 衛生的で廃棄処理が容易な携帯用の尿滴吸収具を提供する。【解決手段】 台紙11と、この台紙11の端縁部に連接して開閉回動するカバー材12とを備え、前記台紙の上に、略長方形を呈する複数の吸水紙材20を並列配置させる(請求項1)。カバー材12を開けて一つを取り出し、吸水紙材20の基端部を指先で摘んで、先端部を尿道口に軽く当接させれば、尿道口から染み出た尿滴は毛細管現象で直ちに吸水紙材に吸収される。略長方形としてあるので、吸水紙材の先端から染みこんだ尿滴は、指先の基端部までは達せず衛生を保つことが出来る。使用後、吸水紙材はゴミ箱に捨てるか、水溶性の場合は水洗便器を介して簡単に廃棄処理できる。【選択図】 図1