1. A preservative for food products based on a neutral anolyte with a concentration of active chlorine (CAX) 500 mg / l), with the values of the redox potential ORP = + 500- + 800 mV at pH = 7,5-8,0, added to the finished product in an amount from 0.5% to 5% of the total product provided retention of preservative in the product over time and storage temperature while maintaining appropriate canned produktu.2. Preservative according to Claim. 1 for the preservation of fish, fish products, fish cooking fish preserves added to the finished mixture is cooled in an amount of not more than 2% of the total product provided retention of preservative in the product within 3-4 months, and while maintaining storage temperatures -6 ° C - 8 ° C.3. Preservative according to Claim. 1 for preserving low-calorie mayonnaise (fat content not exceeding 50%), sauces based on vegetable oil (fat content of less than 35%) added in the finished cooled mixture in an amount of not more than 5% of the total product provided retention of preservative in product for a period of 3-6 months, and while maintaining the storage temperature from 0 ° to + 6 ° C.4. Preservative according to Claim. 1 for preserving drinks such as soft drinks, juice drinks, added to the final product in an amount of 0.5% -0.10% of the total weight of the product provided in the beverage preservative retention for 5-6 months, and while maintaining storage temperature of + 5 ° C to + 25 ° C.1. Консервант для пищевых продуктов на основе нейтрального анолита с концентрацией активного хлора (CAX) 500 мГ/л), со значениями окислительно-восстановительного потенциала ОВП=+500-+800 мВ при pH=7,5-8,0, добавляемый в готовый продукт в количестве от 0,5% до 5% от общей массы продукта при условии удержания консерванта в продукте в течение времени и при поддержании температуры хранения, соответствующих консервируемому продукту.2. Консервант по п. 1 для консервации рыбы, рыбных изделий, рыбной кулинарии, рыбных пресервов, добавляемый в