Meridian bending needling method requires practitioners to obliquely insert an acupuncture needle by 10-30 degrees, and subsequently move the needle along subcutaneous muscle layer until the needle completely merges into patients' skin. This type of acupuncture method allows practitioners to stimulate multiple acupoints and meridian channel at the same time. The invented filiform merge cluster needle device applied in meridian-bending needling method comprises two or more single needles fixed in parallel; said single needle comprises five parts including a needle tip, needle body, needle root, needle handle, and needle end connected respectively. Single needles are fixed together by binding, tape, welding or snapping. Compared to existing technologies, the therapeutic effects of meridian-bending needling method are remarkable, and the method is much safer. The filiform merge cluster needle is stronger, safer, and more convenient to manipulate, and can be applied to bending needling and retaining needling manipulations.