The present invention relates to the biocidal use of a composition comprisinghydrogen peroxide in a concentration of 0.05-50% (w/w) , and a compound with astructure according to Formula 1: (OH) (2-m) (X) (0)P-[ (O)p-(R')q-(CH(Y)-CH2-O)n-R]m, or a salt thereof, wherein X is H or OH; each Y is independently H orCH3; m is 1 and/or 2; each p and q are independently 0 or 1, with the provisothat when p is 0, q is 1; each n is independently 2-10; each R' isindependently an alkylene radical containing 1-18 carbon atoms; each R isindependently H or an alkyl radical containing 1-18 carbon atoms; and R' +R <;=20; in a concentration of 0.01-60% (w/w) . The composition is advantageouslyused for any purpose where disinfecting and/or sanitizing activity, preferablycombined with cleaning and/or bleaching and/or preservative activity, isrequired. The present invention further discloses an especially preferredcomposition for biocidal use comprising hydrogen peroxide in a concentrationof 0.05-50% (w/w) and a compound with a structure according to Formula 2: (OH)(X) (O)P-O-(CH(Y)-CH2-O)n-R, or a salt thereof, wherein X is H or OH, H is Hor CH3, n is 4-6, and R is an alkyl radical containing 4-16 carbon atoms, in aconcentration of 0.01-60% (w/w) .