A pressure measuring device for measuring the pressure of the affected part supporting by an affected part support structure includes a plurality of pressure meters and a processor connected to each of the pressure meters. The pressure meters are configured in the affected part support structure to measure the pressure of the affected part, and to generate measuring signals according to the measured pressure. The processor is capable of receiving the measuring signals by wire or wireless means and displaying the pressure of the affected part according to the measuring signals. Accordingly, the pressure measuring device assists to judge if compartment syndrome occurs in the affected part.本發明揭露一種壓力量測系統,可用於量測受患部固定結構支撐之患處的壓力,其包含複數個壓力量測計以及連接各壓力量測計的運算裝置。壓力量測計可設置於患處固定裝置上,以量測患處壓力並據此產生量測訊號。運算裝置以有線或無線方式接收這些量測訊號,並根據這些量測訊號顯示患處的壓力。藉此,可幫助判斷患處是否有產生腔室症候群。A12‧‧‧前側腔室A14‧‧‧外側腔室A16‧‧‧後側深層腔室A18‧‧‧後側表面腔室1‧‧‧壓力量測系統10‧‧‧患部固定結構20‧‧‧壓力量測計30‧‧‧運算裝置