The present invention relates to a portable gas supply method and its structure, which comprises the following steps: providing a gas supply bottle structure, providing a specific amount of water and a specific gas-containing powder, wherein the water and the powder are respectively fed into the internal space of the bottle from the placement part of the gas supply bottle structure for mixing, in order for the release part to release the gas generated by mixing in the bottle to the breathing apparatus for the user to breathe. The gas supply bottle structure comprises a bottle, a placement part and a release part, and through the implementation of gas supply bottle structure, the aforementioned steps allow a portable design for repeated use.本發明係為一種便於攜帶之氣體供給方法及其結構,其中步驟包括:提供一氣體供給瓶結構,提供特定量之水及特定氣體之粉末,該水及粉末為分別自氣體供給瓶結構之置入部送入瓶體之內空間中混合,釋放部釋放瓶體內混合產生之氣體至呼吸器提供使用者呼吸;而氣體供給瓶結構,其包括:一瓶體、一置入部、一釋放部,使前述方法步驟透過氣體供幾瓶結構之實施提供一種便於攜帶、重複使用之設計。10‧‧‧瓶體101‧‧‧內空間11‧‧‧頂部12‧‧‧肩部20‧‧‧壓力錶21‧‧‧指示部30‧‧‧置入部31‧‧‧開口部32‧‧‧第一連接端33‧‧‧密封蓋34‧‧‧閥體341‧‧‧閥40‧‧‧釋放部41‧‧‧第二連接端42‧‧‧連接部43‧‧‧閥體431‧‧‧閥50‧‧‧凝結裝置51‧‧‧容置部52‧‧‧流道座53‧‧‧濾管54‧‧‧第三連接端60‧‧‧呼吸器61‧‧‧導管70‧‧‧容器80‧‧‧容器S‧‧‧粉末