The invention provides a device adapted to assist the sterilisation of a limb surface 1, comprising a flexible tubular sleeve 2, closed at one end 3, shaped and sized so as to loosely fit, around the limb 21 of a patient whose limb surface is to be sterilised. The sleeve has limb-sealing means 22,23, located close to or at each end of the sleeve, and each capable of forming, in use, a seal between the sleeve and the limb of a patient. The device is particularly suitable to assist in de-contamination of limbs prior to surgery thereon. A sachet 24 may be opened to release contents 25 to be spread over the surface of the limb 21.Buluş, antimikrobik elemanlar, ilaçlar ve bakım ürünleri gibi bir kullanıcının uzuv yüzeyine uygulanacak maddelerin hazırlanmasına yardım etmeye yönelik bir cihaz ile ilgilidir. Cihaz özel olarak ameliyat öncesi uzuvların dekontaminasyonuna yardımcı olmaya uygundur.