FIELD: medicine.SUBSTANCE: invention refers to medicine, namely to bariatric surgery. Stomach is mobilized along the major and minor curvatures to preserve blood circulation in the bottom area. Gastric tube is formed in 45 ml-deep region by gastrectomy from a sub curvature of low curvature parallel to a greater curvature. At the end of the gastric tube, muscle pulp is formed from the separated seromuscular layer and fixed in the form of cuff 13 mm high. Small intestine is mobilized and transected 100 cm from the Treat's ligament. End of the abducting small intestine is anastomosed with the end of the gastric tube by a continuous suture at distance of 13 mm from the base of the cuff. 11 sutures are applied on a base of the muscular cuff on the stomach and on the seromuscular layer on the small intestine in 13 mm from the line of the continuous suture so that invagination and rotation of the outer sutures around inner 1/4 of the circumference takes place. For this purpose, the sutures are oriented so that each prick of the needle on the small intestine is performed diagonally 1/4 of a circle from a prick-in on the stomach.EFFECT: method enables preventing severe metabolic disorders, reducing the length of a shunting portion of the small intestine, which is dangerous in terms of maldigestion and malabsorption, providing a feeling of prolonged saturation and avoiding a dumping reaction.1 cl, 1 exИзобретение относится к медицине, а именно к бариатрической хирургии. Производят мобилизацию желудка по большой и малой кривизне, сохранив кровообращение в области дна. Формируют желудочную трубку в области дна объемом 45 мл путем резекции желудка от субкардии малой кривизны параллельно большой кривизне. На конце желудочной трубки формируют мышечный жом из отсепарированного серозно-мышечного слоя и фиксированного в форме манжеты высотой 13 мм. Тонкую кишку мобилизуют и пересекают в 100 см от связки Трейца. Конец отводящей тонкой кишки анастомозируют с концом желудочной трубки не