The invention relates to a method for the irrigation forecast in maize crops based on the water balance within the soil on variable watering depth and on adjusting the current coefficients of conversion of the reference evaporation-exudation into maize water consumption. The claimed method for the irrigation forecast in maize crops comprises the determination of soil humidity on the sowing date, computing the initial water reserve in the soil to which there are added the rainfalls or the watering rate applied in case the water reserve within the soil is below the minimal limit, from the resulting value there being deducted the corrected water consumption resulting from the multiplication of evaporation-exudation measured with an evaporation pan by the coefficients Kc set for maize in the zone concerned and by the climate coefficients established depending on the weather character of the year, the watering being performed when the resulting value is lower than the value of the minimal limit. The water balance is established on variable soil watering depths, depending on the maize growth stage, namely 0...25 cm in the first month of growth, 0...50 cm in the second month, 0...75 cm in the third month of growth and 0...100 cm in the fourth and fifth months for rainless zones and 0...15 cm in the first month of growth, 0...40 cm in the second month, 0...60 cm in the third month of growth and 0...75 cm in the fourth and fifth months for moderate zones, respectively.Invenţia se referă la o metodă de prognoză a irigaţiei la cultura porumbului, bazată pe bilanţul apei în sol, pe adâncimi variabile de umezire şi pe ajustarea actualilor coeficienţi de transformare a evapotranspiraţiei de referinţă în consum de apă al porumbului. Metoda de prognoză a irigaţiei la cultura porumbului cuprinde stabilirea umidităţii solului în ziua semănatului, calcularea rezervei iniţiale de apă din sol, la această valoare adunându-se precipitaţiile căzute sau norma de udare aplicată în cazul c