An insufflation apparatus includes a housing defining a port for receipt ofinsufflationgases and an elongated sleeve defining a longitudinal axis. The elongatedsleeve has a proximalend and a distal end and defines a sharpened tip. A stylet is disposed withinthe elongatedsleeve. The stylet is movable between an extended position, wherein the styletextends beyondthe tip of the sleeve, and a retracted position, to expose the sharpened tipfor penetration throughbody tissue. At least one of the elongated sleeve and the stylet defines apassageway in fluidcommunication with the port to direct the insufflation gases into a bodycavity. An image sensoris positioned on the elongated sleeve. The image sensor is adapted to receivean optical image ofan area adjacent the distal end of the elongated sleeve and is configured totransmit the opticalimage for viewing by a clinician.