Suitable for use in roll-in, of kneading, and the like spread, I will provide a fat composition for use in the movable plastic fat composition and plastic fat composition having a low trans fatty acid content. Contains the following fat A, fat and fat C B, is a fat and oil composition satisfying the following (a) ~ in (c). 20 to 60% by weight of a saturated fatty acid having 12 to 14 carbon atoms, or a fat containing 40 to 80% by weight of saturated fatty acid having a carbon number of 16 to 18, and that the fat to transesterification to all the constituent fatty acids: fat A liquid: fat fat B obtained by: fat fat C 20~60% by weight palmitic acid content of all the structural fatty acids, 0.5 to 6% by weight of stearic acid content is 30 to 60% by weight oleic acid content 0.1 to 50% by weight, the content of fat A (a) an oil of fat and oil composition Fat content of C in (b) in the oil composition is from 0.15 to 1.00 the PPO / POP 40 wt%, less than 0.1% by mass or more of (c) in the oil composition None [Selection Figure]ロールイン、スプレッド及び練り込み等の用途に適し、トランス脂肪酸含量の低い可塑性油脂組成物及び該可塑性油脂組成物に用いる油脂組成物を提供する。下記油脂A、油脂B及び油脂Cを含有し、下記(a)~(c)の条件を満たす油脂組成物である。油脂A:全構成脂肪酸中に炭素数12~14の飽和脂肪酸を20~60質量%、炭素数16~18の飽和脂肪酸を40~80質量%含有する油脂であり、該油脂がエステル交換することにより得られる油脂油脂B:全構成脂肪酸中のパルミチン酸含量が20~60質量%、ステアリン酸含量が0.5~6質量%、オレイン酸含量が30~60質量%である油脂油脂C:液状油(a)油脂組成物中の油脂Aの含量が0.1~50質量%(b)油脂組成物中の油脂Cの含量が0.1質量%以上40質量%未満(c)油脂組成物中のPPO/POPが0.15~1.00【選択図】なし