The solid component consists of an anionic salt containing one or more polyunsaturated omega-3 fatty acids produced by at least 90% of one or more lysine by weight. (division request 20170614).
The invention spreads a spray dried solid component that is more stable towards oxidation, including polymerized omega-3 fatty acids, which contain at least one salt from usina, and its anion comes from a polymerized omega-3 fatty acid; The solid component contains SC solvent content, selected from the following components: SC lt; by weight, SC lt; by weight, SC lt; by weight, SC lt; by weight, SC lt; 0.5% by weight. The composition comprises at least 90% by weight of one or more lysine cationic salts containing more than one fatty acid, and the anions are derived from one or more mixed omega-3 fatty acids. In addition,The list of compounds was disseminated in the production of food, nutritional products and pharmaceuticals, including mixed omega-3 fatty acids.LA INVENCIÓN DIVULGA UNA COMPOSICIÓN SÓLIDA SECADA POR PULVERIZACIÓN CON MAYOR ESTABILIDAD HACIA LA OXIDACIÓN, QUE COMPRENDE ÁCIDOS GRASOS OMEGA-3 POLINSATURADAS, QUE COMPRENDE AL MENOS UNA SAL DE UN CATIÓN DERIVADO DE USINA CON UN ANIÓN DERIVADO A PARTIR DE UN ÁCIDO GRASO OMEGA-3 POLINSATURADOS; LA COMPOSICIÓN SÓLIDA PRESENTA UN CONTENIDO DE DISOLVENTE SC SELECCIONADO ENTRE LOS SIGUIENTES: SC <;5% EN PESO, SC <;3% EN PESO, SC <;1% EN PESO, SC <;0.5% EN PESO, EN DONDE LA COMPOSICIÓN CONSISTE EN AL MENOS 90% EN PESO DE UNO O MÁS SALES DE CATIONES DERIVADOS DE LISINA CON ANIONES DERIVADOS DE UNO O MÁS ÁCIDOS GRASOS OMEGA-3 POLINSATURADOS. ADEMÁS, SE DIVULGA EL LISO DE COMPOSICIÓN PARA LA FABRICACIÓN DE PRODUCTOS ALIMENTICIOS, PRODUCTOS NUTRICIONALES Y PRODUCTOS FARMACÉUTICOS QUE COMPRENDEN ÁCIDOS GRASOS OMEGA-3 POLINSATURADOS.