Disclosed is a method for manufacturing a snack using marine products. The method for manufacturing a snack using marine products comprises the following steps: assorting captured anchovies; steaming the assorted anchovies with strong electrolyzed water using a Lentinus edode extract; drying the steamed anchovies using cold air; and compressing the cold-air dried anchovies on a hot plate at 190 to 200°;C until the moisture content of the anchovies is reduced to 20 to 25%. The present invention provides a method for manufacturing a snack using marine products in which the nutrition and flavor of Lentinus edode are naturally added to the snack.COPYRIGHT KIPO 2017수산물스낵 제조방법이 개시된다. 수산물스낵 제조방법은, 포획된 멸치를 선별하는 단계, 상기 선별된 멸치를 표고버섯 추출물을 이용한 강전해수로 자숙하는 단계, 상기 자숙된 멸치를 냉풍건조하는 단계 및 상기 냉풍건조된 멸치를 수분 20~25%가 되도록 섭씨 190~200도의 열판에서 압착하는 단계를 포함한다.