ШЕЛЛИ Бенджамин Ирвин (US),ЧАТТЕРДЖИ Пуджа (US),ХИЛЛ Питер Дуглас (US)
1. A system (10) for introducing a gas flow into the patients airway, the system comprising: a generator (52) of the gas flow, which generates a gas stream circuit (56) of the patient which is connected to the gas flow generator and comprising a conduit (100) adapted to supply a flow of gas into the patients airway, a sensor (62) associated with the gas flow generator and / or the patient circuit and adapted to measure the gas flow rate and forming a flow signal based on the measured flow rate and a controller (64) connected with the functioning of a gas flow generator and the sensor, wherein the controller is configured to control the pressure of the gas flow provided to the patient, wherein the controller receives a flow signal from the sensor and determines the rate of change in the gas stream provides a patient and wherein controller alters or offsets the gas flow pressure provided to the patient is determined as a function of the rate of change in the flow gaza.2. The system of claim 1, wherein the modification or the gas flow pressure compensation provided by the patient as the rate of change in the gas flow function comprises determining:. (a) if the rate of change is greater than in a gas flow, provide a patient threshold, or (b) below whether the rate of change in the gas flow, provide a patient znacheniya.3 upper threshold. The system of Claim. 1 further comprising a filter that receives the flow signals from the sensor and configured to filter signals for processing by kontrollera.4. The system of claim. 3, wherein the filter is a low pass filter, phi1. Система (10) для введения потока газа в дыхательные пути пациента, причем система содержит:генератор (52) газового потока, который формирует поток газаконтур (56) пациента, который соединен с генератором газового потока и содержит трубопровод (100), выполненный с возможностью подачи потока газа в дыхательные пути пациентадатчик (62), связанный с генератором газового потока и/или контуром пациента и выполне