The absorbent jute canvas, which can be woven or not, is used for the pre-cultivation support of vegetation in substrata and various supports. It is used for the pre-cultivation of fragments of stonecrop or perennial plants. The canvas has a water absorption rate greater than or equal to 10%. Each thread of the canvas is constituted by several elements each having a diameter less than 30 mu m. The canvas mesh is between 1 and 5 mm and its weight is between 100 and 500 g/m<2>. A first type of pre-cultivation support is obtained with a jute canvas with spacing between thread wefts and warps of 3.3 mm placed directly on a plastics film . A large quantity of stonecrop fragments per square metre and a layer of classic nutrition elements (N,P,K,Mg) is placed above. In a second type of support, humus, constituted from brown peat and pine wood fibres, is placed under the jute canvas to a thickness of 7 mm.