The new Gao Tong System Elixirs of Gong Open, wherein testosterone is entered into phosphatide/Bile sterol Xi System by And to generate Qian Body Zhi Quality Body Fen end Fen San Body. The bright end the Qian Body Zhi Quality Body Fen Fen San Body Ke With of this Hair can Drug Yong Fu shape Elixirs together Pei System with formed Drug Wu Group close object. The The mouth Elixirs type of the molten coating of Gong Open Intestinal and Treatment method is controlled with what what testosterone substitution controlled Treatment.公開了新的睾酮製劑,其中睾酮被併入到磷脂/膽固醇系統中以産生前體脂質體粉末分散體。本發明的前體脂質體粉末分散體可與可藥用賦形劑一起配製以形成藥物組合物。公開了腸溶包衣的經口劑型以及用於睾酮替代治療的治療方法。