PURPOSE: A composition for pest repellent comprising mixture of artemisia and quince as effective component is provided to replace the existing pest repellent composed of synthetic chemicals which cause environmental pollution and skin troubles to human beings, thereby repelling pests without causing harm to the environment or human beings and helping provide a comfortable living environment. CONSTITUTION: A composition for pest repellent comprises Artemisia sp. and quince in a weight ratio of 50-95 to 5-50 as effective component. The species of the artemisia is among Artemisia princeps Pamp. var. orientlis Hara, Artemisia scoparia, Artemisia selengensis TURCZ., Artemisia montana Pampani, Artemisia capillaris, Artemisia argyi Lev. et Sav., Artemisia iwayomogi kitamura, Artemisia feddei Lev. et Van., Artemisia rubripes Nakai and Artemisia lavandulaefolia DC. The mixture of artemisia and quince is in a dry powder form or extracted through solvent extraction method. The pests are household pests. The method for repelling pests is applying the composition for pest repellent to either pests themselves or the habitat of the pests. [Reference numerals] (AA) Artmisia herb (95%) + quince (5%)본 발명은 애엽 및 모과 혼합물을 유효성분으로 함유하는 해충 기피용 조성물에 관한 것으로, 식물 유래의 천연물질로 인간에게는 무해하나, 해충 기피에 뛰어난 효과를 갖는 애엽 및 모과 혼합물은 환경 오염이나 피부 트러블을 유발하는 화학 합성 해충 기피제를 대체할 수 있고, 환경이나 인간에게 피해 없이 해충을 방제함으로써 쾌적한 생활 환경을 제공할 수 있는 효과가 있다.